Fascination Circa Samsung Quick Share

Fascination Circa Samsung Quick Share

Blog Article

Berbagi file dengan perangkat terdekat Pilih “Bagikan ke perangkat terdekat” untuk menampilkan daftar perangkat terdekat. Ketuk satu atau beberapa sekaligus, dan berbagi file akan dimulai secara otomatis.

From sharing important files Sopra business environments to sharing photos and videos with loved ones, Samsung Galaxy’s Quick Share and Private Share features enable increasingly smooth communication Per mezzo di the digital epoca with their convenience, safety and wide usability.

Se hai la ufficio Quick Share intorno a Samsung sul tuo dispositivo, ma né sai alla maniera di usarla, Devi derelitto rincorrere i passaggi quale ti diamo in futuro:

2 Sending files to your contacts, Quick Share enables the transfer without any restrictions on distance. Né-Samsung Volubile devices can receive files through QR codes and text messages. With Private sharing option, it allows for the safe sharing of sensitive or private information, giving you peace of mind.


เปิด สิ่งแวดล้อม ความปลอดภัยและความเป็นส่วนตัว การใช้งานได้สำหรับทุกคน ความหลากหลาย · ความเสมอภาค · การยอมรับ ความเป็นพลเมืองดีขององค์กร ความยั่งยืนขององค์กร เกี่ยวกับเรา

Set the expiration date The default expiration is set for 2 days, after which the recipient cannot open the shared file. You can set the expiration date to a maximum of 7 days.

Lo mira prioritario della mansione è quello di fornire un occasione rapido e onesto Attraverso scambiare informazioni entro dispositivi mobili, migliorando l'dimestichezza degli utenti e aumentando la loro produttività.

Secondo Windows, dovrai scaricare e installare l'app Quick Share. Terminata l'installazione, devi soletto assicurarti quale sia visibile per il tuo dispositivo Android, di conseguenza puoi iniziare a spartire.

Or share files using a QR code Even if the nearby devices aren't from Samsung, you can still share files through a QR code. altre informazioni Just tap the QR code icon and ask your friends to scan the code that shows up on your device.3

You can use the Quick Share feature to send images as links instead of MMS in regular messages. The receiver would need to tap on the link to see the image you sent.

6. A blue loading caffè will encircle the device's icon. Once it's complete, you're all done. The destination device will receive a notification that the share is complete.

Keep important files secure, even after you’ve shared them. With Private sharing, you can set an expiration time and date on files. You can also prevent recipients from screenshotting, saving and resending files.4

Private Share hanya didukung antara perangkat Galaxy dan maksimum 20 file serta 200MB dapat ditransfer sekaligus.

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